Are some people born religious?

born religious or not

There has been some previous research that suggested that people who hold strong religious beliefs are more intuitive and less analytical, and when they think more analytically their religious beliefs decrease. This opens up an interesting question – are they born that way, or do they simply inherit this modality? It is a rather fundamental Nurture … Read more

Added Arctic data shows global warming didn’t pause

The years 1998 to 2012 have been previously regarded by some as a time in which the increase in Global Warming paused. Various terms that have been tossed about to refer to this include “global warming hiatus”, “global warming pause”, or “global warming slowdown”. So here is roughly how things have played out … By … Read more

Why do people believe Conspiracy Theories?


There are moments when many eyes turn and focus on something dramatic. The recent example familiar to most will have been the utterly tragic shooting in Las Vegas that resulted in so much trauma (58 people dead and 546 were injured). Most will correctly attribute this to be the senseless act of one lone wolf … Read more

EPA Update: How is Scott Pruitt getting on?

Scott Pruitt

If you were to ask Scott Pruitt how things are working out then the answer you get might not exactly reflect the reality of what has been actually happening. You need to ask his employees to get to the truth. The word that actually sums things up is … (insert drum roll here) … “dysfunction”. … Read more

The US Climate Revolution at the climate conference

Everything US related at the US Climate Conference in Bonn is in some ways an outright climate revolution in the sense that it is a rebellion against the normal. So let’s mull over this for a bit today. As I’m sure you are perhaps aware, there is the both the official US delegation and what … Read more

The Global impact of Melting ice sheets on ocean tides

sea level rise tides

We know that sea level is rising, that has been well-established. In fact we know that the rate of that rise is accelerating, that has also been established. We also understand why sea level is rising. As global temperatures increase you not only have the rather obvious melting of land based ice taking place, but … Read more