Is Mandating Ten Commandments in schools crazy?

Spoiler alert – the short answer is “yes”. Here now is the longer answer that not only explains why, by not just having a pop at the ten commandments as a concept, but also digs into the flaws in the Act and highlights how the lawsuit filed yesterday to counter it is rather solid. To … Read more

Catholics in Washington (DC) challenge law empowering abuse survivors

A couple of weeks ago I was writing about how the Southern Baptist Convention had decided that it was a good look to pile into a sexual abuse case in KY that was nothing to directly do with them on the side of the abusers and against the victims. Why did they do that? Well, … Read more

Sexual Abuse: SBC Is Attacking The Victims

To appreciate what is going on I first need to get you up to speed on some background stuff. Once we have that foundation in place I can then explain the rather bizarre legal move that has been made by the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention). Le’s start with a question – when sexual abuse accusations … Read more

Nebraska Lawmaker responds to Anti-Drag bill with clever amendment

Imagine you have been elected to a state legislative body. You are a member of the minority party. The majority feel that they can do whatever the hell they want and so proceed to launch some utterly batshit crazy bills. Since you are part of the minority you don’t have enough votes, so what can … Read more

What has Supreme Court done to the EPA? 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exists for one reason – protect the environment (duh … the clue is in the name). In other words it is all about the creation of a far better world. Who could possibly object to clean air, and clean drinkable water? The Gov of Michigan in 2014 perhaps. Just ask … Read more