What does “Alternative fact” actually mean?

As you are most probably aware by now, the new buzzword of the moment is “Alternative Fact”. It arose when Kellyanne Conway, a Trump adviser, was challenged on “Meet the Press” last Sunday about an official White House statement issued the previous day. #SpicerFacts Monday saw the first official White House press briefing, but last Saturday the new White House press secretary, … Read more

Why is the reemergence Andrew Wakefield dangerous? – #vaccines

For some, just the name “Andrew Wakefield” is guaranteed to provoke a reaction, and so his attendance at one of the Trump inaugural balls did just that. He is often billed as a vaccine skeptic, but I would seriously argue that this is an abuse of the term skeptic because there is clear decisive irrefutable proof … Read more

Will Rex Tillerson become US Secretary of State – #climate risks

Rex Tillerson, the CEO of ExxonMobil, is now Mr Tumps candidate for the office of US Secretary of State. As is normal, last week he presented himself before a confirmation hearing convened by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. From this point we can now wave goodby to the word ‘normal’. Many of his answers were quite frankly jaw dropping, … Read more

#watersportsgate and Golden Showers

What is perhaps shocking about this entire saga is that some are genuinely shocked, and that is indeed rather surprising because the claim is well within scope of the type of personality he has spent the past year projecting. The response on twitter under the hash tag #watersportsgate is also highly amusing. Should we be sympathetic and … Read more

@SenSchumer bounces McConnell’s 2009 letter back at him.

Back last September when Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was on his way out and retiring, he gave a speech in which he laid out the preceding eight years of GOP Obstructionism in detail … “History will look back and note that Republicans in Congress treated President Obama with unprecedented disrespect,” Reid said, arguing that … Read more