2017 Nobel Prize – Medicine

nobel prize medicine

Once again the time of year when the most prestigious award, the Nobel Prize, spotlights individuals who have contributed to our understanding. Yesterday Mon 2nd Oct, the Medicine award was revealed.  The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017 was awarded jointly to … Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young “for their … Read more

What should you do what faced with hardcore vaccine denial?

vaccine denial

Meet Dene Shulze-Alva and her daughter Sage, age 5. The above is a picture of her that was highlighted within an NPR article about vaccine denial.  The backstory here is that she is a hardcore vaccine denialist who has not only refused to have her daughter vaccinated, but takes time out to fly right across the … Read more

Picking a decent Healthcare solution … what would you do?


There is a healthcare game to play here via the New York Times, but first a bit of preamble. Because I live in the UK and have personally experienced the UK’s National Health Service I have a rather obvious bias. This perhaps also comes with strong feelings of hostility towards UK conservative political wet-dreams that … Read more

50-Year-Old Mystery About The Measles Vaccine solved

Measles Vaccine

When we started vaccinating for measles back in the 1960s it had the intended effect; the decline and obliteration of Measles. We might think of it as a harmless childhood illness, but its eradication is truly a big deal. The prognosis for measles is that complications such as bronchitis, sensorineural hearing loss, and panencephalitis (which is fatal), can occur, so eradicating it … Read more

The Impact of vaccines is profound – they really do work

As a rather blatant slap in the face for the anti-vaccine movement there is a new study that illustrates the profoundly positive and deep impact that vaccines have, and will continue to have. Vaccines save 20 million lives, $350 billion in poor countries since 2001 It is the one medical intervention that stands out from … Read more

Will Aspartame Kill You?

I do confess to having a bit of a conflict of interest here. I drink rather a lot of Diet Coke, a can or two per day, and so I seriously have to examine my thinking and ask if confirmation bias is kicking in when writing to assure you that Aspartame is totally safe. Is … Read more