How much does it cost to sequence your Genome?

human genome

In 1990 a very ambitious project was started called the Human Genome Project. It was scheduled to take 15 years, but was actually completed in 2003, earlier than expected. As the project had progressed, technology had advanced and so it did not take as long as had been anticipated. A few quick facts … The … Read more

Motherboard Humans of the Year – Britt Hermes

Britt Hermes

Motherboard has a series of articles entitled “Humans of the Year” in which they profile fascinating people who are passionate and dedicated to something that is really very interesting.  They have just published an article all about Britt Hermes and so if you are curious to understand why somebody who once trained as a Naturopath … Read more

Professor Edzard Ernst at war with Prince Charles over homeopathy

Professor Edzard Ernst

Professor Edzard Ernst has a new book coming out that he has co-authored with Dr Kevin Smith, of Abertay University in Dundee entitled “More Harm Than Good?”  (The link to a pre-order for it is here on Amazon, it comes out on 18th Feb). So this happened … speaking ahead of the publication of their new … Read more

UK NHS is blacklisting Homeopathy and Herbal remedies


The news is that the UK’s publicly funded National Health Service has blacklisted Homeopathy and also Herbal remedies. Now, you might be tempted to think that they have finally decided to pay attention to the evidence that clearly demonstrates that it simply does not work at all … right? Nope, that is not the driving force … Read more