Believing the wrong things = prison or even death

Blasphemy is not just an archaic relic but is in reality a very real issue for many who live within nations that have a strong theocratic mindset, so much so, that there exists an ongoing campaign to end blasphemy laws worldwide. The following map illustrates this current reality … Why is Blasphemy absurd? As explained on … Read more

Researchers find millennials are by far the least religious generation

San Diego University has issued a press release about the largest study ever conducted on changes in Americans’ religious involvement and what it tells us will truly frighten those that believe … SAN DIEGO, Calif. (May 27, 2015)– In what may be the largest study ever conducted on changes in Americans’ religious involvement, researchers led by … Read more

The Origins of the Universe

When pondering over the origins of the universe, the standard religious answer is “God did it, problem solved, now let’s move on to believing”. Oh wait. Evidence for this claim is … well so far, it is exactly zero. It also has a rather fatal flaw because you then need to explain the origins of this god. The … Read more

Evidence for Christian Beliefs

People believe what they believe for cultural and emotional reasons and never for evidential reasons. They might indeed claim “evidence” and assert “evidence”, but examine it and … well no, none. What tends to happen is that we rationalise and stick on reasons later to explain the adherence to a specific position, sort of akin … Read more

Latest Poll: Christianity shrinking very fast in U.S

The Pew Research Center released their latest results yesterday for 2014, and what they have yielded is a result that is not really a surprise … “Christians Decline Sharply as Share of Population; Unaffiliated and Other Faiths Continue to Grow” OK, so let’s poke about in the numbers a bit and see what pops out, … Read more

#BBCTBQ asks – Have human rights laws achieved more for mankind than religion?

Today’s BBC The Big Question looks to be a very interesting one, it asks just one question, “Have human rights laws achieved more for mankind than religion?” Those taking part include … @andrewcopson  Andrew Copson Vice President at International Humanist and Ethical Union, and Chief Executive at British Humanist Association @PeterTatchell human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell @MaryamNamazie  Maryam Namaze from the … Read more