What are the most Popular Posts

popular blog posts

It might indeed be tempting to list my favourite posts, but that only gives you a feel for my own highly subjective opinion. That would be akin to a movie director listing his favourite films. It tells you something about him, but not much else. What are my 10 most popular posts from the last … Read more

Polar Bears and Sea Ice – Science vs Fiction

climate change denial

A new scientific study published a few days ago within a reputable peer-reviewed journal by some leading Climate Science scientists has generated rather a lot of heat within the climate denial community. Entitled “Internet Blogs, Polar Bears, and Climate-Change Denial by Proxy” and published within BioScience, it examines the reporting of Arctic Sea Ice and … Read more

Science vs Belief: Is this conflict a myth?

Science vs Belief

There is an article in the UK’s Guardian all about a myth. It is entitled … Would you Adam and Eve it? Why creation story is at heart of a new spiritual divide OK, let’s give you a quick summary of it. We live in a world where there are people who reject science based … Read more

Deliberate fraud: @SamHarrisOrg and @MaajidNawaz

Hemant Mehta has written a recent posting in which he describes in precise detail how words can be lifted out of context and then re-purposed as a weapon. It is a fascinating read, and to tempt you into reading it all let me give you a summary. Last January Sam Harris interviewed his friend and … Read more

#Dilbert goes full #climate denial in latest strip

#Dilbert does office politics. Unfortunately, Scott Adams, the guy who draws the strip is not only a rather vocal Trump supporter, but he is also a science denier. Here is the strip that was just published 14th May in which Dilbert goes full science denial … The first few panels are fine, its the last three … Read more