Priming: Hearing things that are not really there – Yanni or Laurel

Yanni or Laurel

I’m building up to an explanation for the “Yanni or Laurel” audio illusion. First, let’s talk about audio illusions in general. Pictured above is Ben Langley on Britains Got Talent last weekend. His act consisted of playing various very well-known songs, but he primed you to hear something distinctly different by holding up a series … Read more

Weird Religious News – Who is a “True” Christian?

weird religious news

When I highlight the weird religious news that illustrates the truly daft things that have been “inspired” then there are two inevitable responses … Most who believe will happily advise “They are not true Christians” It’s bloody depressing to see just how absurdly crazy and obnoxious many can be The first is perhaps firmly rooted … Read more

NASA Satellites Reveal Major Shifts in Global Freshwater


A study was published last Wednesday in Nature by NASA. This is an analysis of freshwater that reveals that Earth’s wet land areas are getting wetter and dry areas are getting drier. Why? It is due to a variety of factors. This includes … human water management climate change natural cycles. Here is a time-lapse … Read more

Prominent Climate Denier Fred Singer given space in Wall Street Journal

Fred Singer

If you are familiar with the topic of Climate Change, then the name Fred Singer will also perhaps be familiar. He is not a Climate Science hero, but instead is one of the well-known deniers-for-hire, who if paid enough, will say whatever you would like him to say or write. What has happened? 93 year old Fred … Read more