Weird Religious News – Bad Ideas lead to Bad Actions
Here is this week’s selection of some truly weird right-wing fundamentalist rhetoric. As usual, tolerance, compassion, and empathy are AWOL.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Here is this week’s selection of some truly weird right-wing fundamentalist rhetoric. As usual, tolerance, compassion, and empathy are AWOL.
Shocking new UN environment report – The Arctic is now locked into a destructive degree of climate change regardless of what measures are taken to halt global greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate change is complicated … very complicated, hence understanding what will happen in response the the various possible scenarios in the days ahead is still very much an unknown. Researchers at Turfs university have just published the results of a new study that helps us to grapple with this. Basically it highlights the fact that … Read more
Your are perhaps familiar with the term “grassroots“. In a political context this is bottom up – it is collective action from the local level to effect change at the local, regional, national, or international level. Astroturfing is where malicious forces promote propaganda that is designed to look and feel like a grassroots movement, but … Read more
Jennings Brown at Gizmodo, has done a fine piece of investigative journalism that has exposed a fake sex doctor and revealed him to be a fraud
I better start with a statement to make something very clear – human caused climate change is very real, it is the most challenging event that our species will ever face, doing nothing is not an option. The objective of this posting is to illustrate one of the common patterns of the deliberate deception used … Read more