Weird Right-Wing Fundamentalist News Items


I started out doing “Top 3 Religious News Items” and that then evolved into “Weird Religious News”. What does become clear over time is that this is not just about belief. The majority of humans inherit a cultural tradition, and most will generally participate and adhere to the bits they enjoy with varying degrees of … Read more

How do you persuade an Evangelical that Climate Change is real?

persuasion evangelicals climate change

One startling observation is that the vast majority of Evangelicals within the US reject the idea that climate change is real. However, there is some hope. A new study reveals that an evangelical mind can be changed if clear factual information is presented by somebody who is an insider. They simply get presented with what … Read more

Is Golden Rice Good or Bad?

golden rice

Let’s start by clarifying exactly what Golden Rice is. Once we have that under our belt we will then move on to some of the various claims surrounding it and identify what is fact and what is anti-GMO propaganda. What is “Golden Rice”? “Golden Rice” is the term used to describe a variety of rice … Read more