Should you Trust the Wisdom of Malcolm Gladwell?

Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell has a new book coming out this month (Sept 2019 – Talking to Strangers). If you are not familiar with who he is or his books, then perhaps a quick summary is appropriate. If you are also into behavioral economics, then the news of yet another of his books just might be motivating … Read more

Great Barrier Reef – Outlook Report 2019

great barrier reef outlook 2019 report

Every five years, an Outlook Report that examines the Great Barrier Reef’s health, pressures, and likely future is published. The latest, the 2019 edition, is now available. It is very grim reading. If you have your finger on the pulse of the Great Barrier Reef then what it reveals will not be a surprise. The Great Barrier … Read more

Wingnut Weekly – 1st Sept 2019

wingnut weekly

The issue in focus is not belief vs non-belief, but rather is a spotlight being thrown upon those that feel that imposing their belief upon others is the high moral ground. There is a vast diversity of belief that runs right across the entire political spectrum. The problems we face are very much emanating from … Read more

Claim: Atheism leaves only an empty feeling

Religious blowjob atheism

Generally when faced with various religious claims my best play is to perhaps simply roll my eyes and move on. Occasionally however I might be sufficiently provoked to wade in. Today’s offering concerns an opinion piece within The Catholic Register titled “Atheism leaves only an empty feeling“. The quick summary of the article is this … Read more

New Studies: Europe warming faster than expected, Flooding as Expected

Europe warming faster than expected due to Climate Change

I have two new studies to cover today. Both are interesting because they add data to the conversation. One reveals that parts of Europe are warming faster than the models predict, and the other reveals that Europe is flooding exactly as the models predict. Let’s take a quick look at each. Study 1: Detection of … Read more