Report: “Urgent Action on Climate Adaptation needed”


An international commission that is focused on climate Adaptation and is led by Ban Ki-moon, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations, Bill Gates, Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Kristalina Georgieva, CEO, World Bank, has just published a new report that calls for urgent action on climate. Who wrote it? The Global … Read more

Was 9/11 a controlled demolition?


The events of 9/11 are very well documented, you really do not need me to rehash the details because there are many other highly reliable sources. The basic facts are spelled out on this Wikipedia page titled “September 11 attacks“. It describes the background, the actual attacks, the aftermath, the effects, and also lists the … Read more

Did Climate Change cause Dorian?

Hurricane Dorian

Dorian has been one of the strongest, and also longest-lasting hurricanes on Record in the Atlantic. It was slow-moving and that was itself devastating. It was also the most powerful storm to hit the Bahamas since records began. Sustained wind speeds of 185mph, storm surges, and flooding has resulted in an unprecedented scale of destruction. … Read more

What plans are there for Climate Change?

democrat climate change plan

While Republicans have got absolutely nothing except denial of the well-established scientific reality of climate change and support for fossil fuels, over amongst the democrat candidates things are the polar opposite. That sounds like a deeply partisan statement; a manifestation of the current political polarisation. Perhaps it is, but it is also true. One party … Read more

New study links all soda to an early death


There are specific well-defined and also well-known steps that you can take to promote a healthy lifestyle. A new study appears to suggest that an additional one is “don’t drink soda”. You might perhaps be tempted to think that this is about sugar and that diet soda will be just fine. Apparently not. That also … Read more