FDA issues Miracle Mineral Solution warming

FDA issues MMS Miracle Mineral Solution warning

The US Food and Drug Administration has issued a strongly worded warming about a product knowns as “Miracle Mineral Solution” or MMS. Their guidance is simple – “Do not purchase or drink it”. This is the second warning they have issued. Why? It is not simply a scam run by a fraudster, but is a … Read more

Weekly Wingnut News – 25Aug19

Wing Nut

Previously I used the title “Weekly Weird Right-Wing Fundamentalist News”. That’s a tad long so I’ll try out this new title “Weekly Wingnut News”. Cue a band of internet surfing mechanics becoming bitterly disappointed to discover I’m not discussing hardware and instead that this relates to the slang term “Wingnut” that is used to label … Read more

Should we be worried about Greenland?


Reports of dramatic melt events in Greenland provoke different reactions. Some, (thankfully only a small number), sit back and observe, “It is summer, this is what happens in the summer“. Others respond more dramatically. During the last Democratic debate, long-shot candidate Andrew Yang urged people to move away from the coast because we are already … Read more

How many Earth Like planets are there?

earth like planets

On 14th Aug 2019, a new paper was published in The Astronomical Journal that addresses the question of the quantity of earth like planets. Titled “Occurrence Rates of Planets Orbiting FGK Stars: Combining Kepler DR25, Gaia DR2, and Bayesian Inference” it attempts to answer the question. The abstract explains it as follows: We characterize the occurrence rate of planets, … Read more