What are the Greatest Moments in Human History?

The greatest moments image (above) has popped up on Facebook. No doubt you will guess that it comes from an evangelical believer named Mark Spence – if curious, you can find that original Facebook posting here. You know that the image will of course provoke, and so those that believe all give it a thumbs up and those … Read more

Utterly Bizarre Claim: Bishop can make your penis larger by massaging it

OK, something slightly different today, this is all about weird beliefs and how to cope when faced with such things. Over in Ghana, self-appointed Bishop and TV evangelist Daniel Obinim, has made himself rather famous recently by announcing that he can enlarging mens penises by massaging them with both hands. Being a traditional preacher he … Read more

What is the best way to debunk fake Videos?

Viral fake videos abound because they tickle our imagination. So how do you effectively debunk one? If you were faced with a talking head where somebody proceeds to debunk it fact by fact, then most eyes will rapidly glaze over and the vast majority will simply move on. Is there a better solution? Actually, yes … Read more

Failed Claims: “The fix is in: Newsweek Hillary issue in print before election happened”

For what are rather obvious reasons this claim is dead in the water, however just prior to the election is was thriving. It is inevitable that a Hillary would have given it a huge boost and that it would then continue to have circulated for quite some time. OK, so what was going on here? It … Read more

Paris Agreement for Climate Change is now officially an International Law

Yesterday the Paris Agreement formally entered into force. That means it is no longer a document that is simple a wish list or an expression of “Well we will try and do something like this”, instead it is now legally binding. Basically what happened is that we are following the articles contained within that agreement … Read more