Medical Fraud: Investigation finds chiropractor claims are grossly misleading

You might perhaps consider a chiropractor to be a wholly qualified medical doctor who will address specific issues such as back pain, but that is not the case. A new investigation from Canada once again throws a light upon all this. CBC conduced a review of the various claims being promoted by chiropractors via their advertising, and … Read more

How do you measure Happiness? – #InternationalDayOfHappiness

You might have seen various media stories about Norway being “officially” recognised as the happiest nation on the planet and had not really given it too much thought. For example the Washington Post and CNN and also the BBC. Apparently this all came on what was meant to be the International day of happiness, 20th March. Personally … Read more

What is Blasphemy really all about?

Blasphemers are now apparently being targeted by the Pakistani government … Pakistan has asked Facebook and Twitter to help identify Pakistanis suspected of blasphemy so it can prosecute them or pursue their extradition. Under the country’s strict blasphemy laws, anyone found to have insulted Islam or the prophet Muhammad can be sentenced to death. The interior minister, Chaudhry … Read more

Claim: “Atheists at risk of dying out” – is this true?

The UK’s Independent, and others, have latched on to the publication of a new study that claims it has evidence that Atheism is doomed. Basically the claim is that the religious will be able to out breed the non-religious. OK, I’ll bite, let’s take a peek. Atheists at risk of dying out due to belief in contraception, study … Read more

Testing Poe’s Law: Can Trump supporters detect BS?

Back in 2005, a chap called Nathan Poe made an observation within an on-line discussion group as follows … Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won’t mistake for the genuine article. This has in turn led to a generic … Read more

Does Scott Pruitt simply lack a bit of information? – #climate #CarbonDioxide

Scott Pruitt

The truly jaw dropping moment of the week just has to be the sight of the new head of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, explaining the following on CNBC, after being asked directly … I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there’s tremendous disagreement about the … Read more