What happened To Marina Ovsyannikova After Channel 1 Russian Protest

You are probably aware that this happened … Some questioned it – How could that possibly happen, how could she get inside a secure TV studio and make such a protest live on air. The answer is that she worked there, and until recently fronted the news herself. She also recorded a separate clip explaining … Read more

How to cope with kids who embrace conspiracy theories?

conspiracy theory

Published within the British Journal of Developmental Psychology is a study that reveals that kids are prime targets for fake news. One word … “Yikes!”. Titled “Measuring adolescents’ beliefs in conspiracy theories: Development and validation of the Adolescent Conspiracy Beliefs Questionnaire” the open access paper reveals that a team of researchers created and then validated … Read more

Why do some demand that the vaccinated should quarantine to protect unvaccinated?

COVID Vaccines: The Good, The Bad, and the truly Bizarre

The news from Miami is that a Christian Private school has put in place a policy that mandates that any student that has been vaccinated must quarantine and stay at home for 30 days. The belief behind this stance is the claim that the vaccinated will shed and release something that will impact the health … Read more