Weekly Weird Religious News

weird religious news

This week my Weekly Weird Religious News posting will be an Alabama election special. As you can perhaps anticipate there has been much religiously inspired weirdness that quite naturally pops up in the news cycle when a complete lunatic takes centre stage. To our universal relief, he lost, so clearly the majority of people in … Read more

Drinking the Alt-Right Cool aid: Climate Science Daily Caller article

daily caller

Recently a right-wing Facebook “friend” shared an article from the Daily Caller that claimed that Satellite data showed no acceleration in warming for the past 23 years. Apart from the rather obvious “How did this guy get on my FB friends list?” question, I do actually find it fascinating to observe how such “truth” is … Read more

UK NHS is blacklisting Homeopathy and Herbal remedies


The news is that the UK’s publicly funded National Health Service has blacklisted Homeopathy and also Herbal remedies. Now, you might be tempted to think that they have finally decided to pay attention to the evidence that clearly demonstrates that it simply does not work at all … right? Nope, that is not the driving force … Read more

Family Values – Red States preach it vs Blue States live it

family values

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Nicholas Kristof has a reputation as somebody who “rewrote opinion journalism”. While the core focus behind his writing has been his strong emphases on human rights abuses and social injustices, what makes his writing interesting has been his ability to throw an insightful spotlight upon things that are often hidden and not talked about. … Read more

EPA Update: How is Scott Pruitt getting on?

Scott Pruitt

If you were to ask Scott Pruitt how things are working out then the answer you get might not exactly reflect the reality of what has been actually happening. You need to ask his employees to get to the truth. The word that actually sums things up is … (insert drum roll here) … “dysfunction”. … Read more