Who is not part of the Paris Agreement?

Not too long ago I was writing about the news that Nicaragua had signed up to the Paris Agreement. At that time that left only two nations outside – the US and Syria. That has now changed, Syria has signed up. #COP23 BREAKING NEWS: #Syria has announced it will sign the Paris Agreement! This will leave … Read more

Who represents the US at COP23?

There is an official US delegation attending the Climate conference in Bonn, Germany (COP23). Given that they represent a climate change denying anti-science administration, their remit is as insane as you might anticipate. As explained by the New York Times recently … The Trump administration will promote coal, natural gas and nuclear energy as an … Read more

Is there going to be a US Civil War today? (Hint: no)

I first became aware of the latest bit of utter insanity that has been bubbling away inside the right-wing information bubble when a friend on Facebook posted this … Guys, my mom thinks Antifa is going to start a civil war on November 4th that will lead to power outages because her pastor told her … Read more

New UN Emissions Gap report – We must do far more

In yesterday’s posting about the new WGO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin that highlights where we stand with measurements of the Climate Change inducing greenhouse gas emissions, the big highlight is that the rate at which CO2 is increasing has accelerated. This insight quite naturally feeds into the topic for today – the latest 2017 UN Emissions Gap … Read more

Abandoning Reality: why was there inauguration crowd size denial?

Above are two pictures. One is labelled A and the other is labelled B. Please select the picture that has the largest crowd. Both are of course images of an inauguration crowd, so I think you can see what is actually being asked. People are being confronted with facts and are being asked to pick either … Read more

Debunking: Las Vegas Rumours, Hoaxes, and Conspiracy Theories

When something dramatic happens the emergence of wild claims soon follows. Las Vegas has been no exception. If you have a Facebook account then you will have potentially made the observation that almost immediately speculation and even various conspiracy claims started popping up. As an example, once a week on a Sunday I look back … Read more

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