Pushing the envelope of gullibility

Since we are deep into the working week, I’ll lighten up a bit today and have a bit of fun. Humans generally tend to not simply take what we find asis, but also often can’t resist the urge to tweak and improve things, and apparently the Nigerian 419 guys are not immune to that urge. To … Read more

Is Iran really censoring “Wine” and other words?

You might indeed be tempted to initially think it to be a comedy sketch, but apparently there are words so terrifying that the Iranian minister of culture has decided to ban them, for example the word “wine”, or at least that is what the Telegraph claims … Iran’s culture ministry has decided to censor the use of the … Read more

FBI have asked the elderly to stop knocking Oregon militants on their ass

The title says it all, and yes, I confess that I did indeed quite enjoy reading this. The story is about Robert Saunders, a 79 year old retied teacher and devoted birdwatcher, who was out checking on some owls. While doing so he was confronted by an armed Oregon militant who quickly got in his face and … Read more

Claim: Twitter at War with Conservatives – #JeSuisMilo

Meanwhile over at Breitbart, a very right-wing conservative outlet, we have the rather strange claim that Twitter has an “open war against Conservatives” (yes, those are their words, that is the title). They write some quite weird stuff… Just as the value of its stock has dipped to an all-time low, it has picked a fight with conservative … Read more

Top 10 Oregon Militia Standoff “facts” – #YallQaeda

The #YallQaeda hash tag within the title should be a not so subtle clue that this is not a serious posting. OK, so here are 10 “facts”, and yes those are indeed air-quotes around the word “facts”, because I’ve mined some of these “facts” from satire-central, which is perhaps better known to you as The Onion. So … Read more

An explosion of Virgin Births is happening in the US

I’ve come across an article that dates back a couple of years within the British Medical Journal, and is a study that reveals that 1 out of every 200 women in the US who are pregnant, claim to have done so without ever having had any sexual intercourse. Do we have lots of little Jesuses and gangs of shepherds roaming … Read more