Don’t listen to Goop, Keep coffee well away from your rectum


If the idea of shoving coffee up your bum immediately invokes the name “Gwyneth Paltrow”, then you are spot on. Her rather infamous Goop lifestyle brand has the above available as a special new year offer. If you are also seriously considering the idea of  squirting coffee into such a region, then you really really … Read more

The truth about Alex Jones

Alex Jones

You are probably familiar with Alex Jones. He is generally viewed as a conspiracy theorist who has over the years promoted some truly weird claims that have no evidence at all. Truth, honesty, integrity, or for that matter, evidence, are all very much out of scope. Specific examples of his claims includes … The Sandy … Read more

Fact checking the fact checkers

fact checkers

There are various well-established and well-known fact checkers that many rely upon, for example PolitiFact,, or the Washington Post’s Fact Checker. However, one has to wonder if anybody independently fact-checks the fact checkers. I was curious about this and so looked into it to see if anybody had seriously researched it. To be honest, I would … Read more

How do you persuade an Anti-Vaxer to change their mind?


From last August there is a great Canadian article that lays out a good way to effectively communicate to people who have serious doubts about vaccines. It is worth reading in full, but since they have proposed seven steps, I’d like to chime on and comment on each myself. There was and still is a … Read more