Does past climate change hold lessons for us today?

252 million years ago about 90% of life on planet earth died. This was known as the Permian–Triassic extinction event. OK, so let’s be a tad more precise about the percentages of what happened … The end Permian was the greatest natural catastrophe experienced by life on Earth with its impact recorded in terrestrial and marine rock … Read more

WMO State of the Warming Climate in 2016: ‘Truly Uncharted Territory’ – #climate

Today, 23rd March, is World Meteorological Day. To mark the occasion the World Meteorological Organisation has issued an official statement regarding the state of the climate during 2016. It is not good. The content is not an option, nor a belief, or “conspiracy” by one specific organisation. Instead it is an evidence based statement that is firmly backed up … Read more

Is MARS getting warmer? – #climate

While reading an article related to yesterdays posting I noticed that one of the very first comments to pop up under it was this … Mars is currently warming without any human interference.  Google it. Why did the left highjack this and politicize it? The point he is attempting to make is that humans have not … Read more

Earth’s oceans are warming 13% faster than previously thought, and accelerating

A new paper has been published within Science Advances that lays out new estimates of the heat content within the worlds oceans. It is entitled “Improved estimates of ocean heat content from 1960 to 2015“. Background Now before we get into it, let’s cover the basics. We have more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, and … Read more

Does Scott Pruitt simply lack a bit of information? – #climate #CarbonDioxide

Scott Pruitt

The truly jaw dropping moment of the week just has to be the sight of the new head of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, explaining the following on CNBC, after being asked directly … I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there’s tremendous disagreement about the … Read more