Does drinking Alcohol really help you to live over 90?

90+ Alcohol

Various media outlets have been reporting the news that the secret sauce for long life is Alcohol … UK’s Independent – Drinking Small amounts of Alcohol may help you to live over 90, study claims Detroit Free Press – Alcohol and coffee can help you live past 90, study says Chicago Tribune – Study: For those over … Read more

Best Climate Change Promoter – Trump

media matters trump and climate change

It is distinctly possible that after Salman Rushdie published his fourth novel, The Satanic Verses, back in 1988, you would normally have never heard of it. Can you for example name any other novel he has written? Everything changed when the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran at that time, issued a formal fatwā calling … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

weekly weird religious news - scott pruitt

When you do a weekly posting of news items related to religious weirdness, then there comes a point at which you might be tempted to consider the idea that you will no longer be surprised by the items that pop up, and instead you come to anticipate a specific mode of behaviour. I do confess … Read more

Trolling the right-wing with @arguetron – #bots


I was posting yesterday about how to spot bots. That is perhaps an important skill to develop because we live in an age where bots with a very specific malicious intent are being deployed to deceive and manipulate you by masquerading as a human. They promote extreme ideas, not because it is one that those behind … Read more

Are all your Twitter friends human? #bots and #botnets


You may indeed have Twitter Bots that are following you or that you follow that are openly and transparently bots. These are the  harmless ones run by a piece of software, and exist to provide a useful service. Examples include PoetryBot, CloudVision (A Photo Bot), or simply News Bot to tweet out headlines. Generally nobody has … Read more

How high is our committed sea-level Rise?

sea level rise

We know that the rate that sea level rise is happening is accelerating, and we also understand exactly why this is happening. The cause is human generated fossil fuel emissions of greenhouse gases. We have precise measurements of what the levels of CO2 have been over the past 800,000 years from ice core samples and … Read more