Study: East Antarctica ice sheet is becoming unstable

totten artarctica

In the East of Antarctica there are two ice sheets named “Totten” and also “Moscow University”. These together contain enough ice to raise sea level by as mush as five meters. There is a new study that has been published that used the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites to measure what is currently … Read more

Dunning-Kruger update – Anti-Vax folks think they know more than doctors

dunning kruger and anti-vax

The term “Dunning-Kruger” is a reference to a cognitive bias. This is where people who know next to nothing on some topic truly believe that the little they do know makes them an expert and grants them the mantle of “expert”. It’s not about bluster or pretense, they truly believe it. In essence, they know … Read more

Poll: Substantial majority of Scottish people are not religious and not spiritual

nones scottish belief

When people discard a mainstream religion such as Catholicism or Baptist, they often retain some belief. On a poll or census they might identify as “None” because none of the boxes available truly describes them. This gives rise to the term “nones”. If you chat with them, then you will discover that they might indeed … Read more

Global Warming increases Marine heatwaves

marine heatwaves

Land based heatwaves rather obviously involve an increase in air temperature, but since most of the planet is covered by water then we also have something similar in the world’s oceans – marine heatwaves. The concept recently entered the public’s social consciousness when the following was tweeted … Another sea-surface temperature record was broken today, … Read more

Your Fake News problem is not just “them” it’s you.

fake news

On 9th August Time magazine published a really great article titled “How Your Brain Tricks You Into Believing Fake News“. I can highly recommend reading. It dives below the surface into the heart of the problem and is not simply another article having a bit of a moan about it all. I have one huge … Read more