How common are “new age” beliefs?

new age

First let’s define what the term “new age belief” means. It is basically a catch-all term that involves a belief in non-traditional supernatural claims such as reincarnation, astrology, psychics and the presence of spiritual energy in physical objects like mountains or trees. The term “New Age” harks back to the 1970s movements that embraced such ideas … Read more

IPCC Special Report on 1.5 C


It is here. The long anticipated IPCC 1.5 C Special report #SR15 report has been formally issued. Here are the links that take you directly to the alpha source and so bypass all of the press articles. The press release Frequently Asked Questions The Summary For Policy Makers (SPM) The full report What is Driving this … Read more

Weird Religious News – The Demise of a reputable Impartial Supreme Court

weird religious news

In this week’s weird religious news posting we can see that the highly politicised right-wing believers were operating on a frenzied overdrive during the past week. They now have what the want – a dishonest corrupt judge sitting on the supreme court. The issue is not just about what he did as a teen, but … Read more

Nobel Prize 2018 – Peace

If you want to know about this year’s Nobel Peace winner, just jump around my preamble by scrolling down. What does it even mean? Unlike the science based award, the Nobel Peace prize is highly political. Sometimes they get it right, and sometimes very very wrong. Let’s mull over this for a bit. The “Peace” … Read more