Record Breaking Loss of trees in 2018
Latest statistics ffrom Global Forest Watch reveals that 2018 saw the 4th highest loss of tropical forests ever recorded.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Latest statistics ffrom Global Forest Watch reveals that 2018 saw the 4th highest loss of tropical forests ever recorded.
Research reveals that the Evangelical moral stance is guided by political party affiliation and not by any moral authority.
Here is this week’s selection of that weird blend of right-wing politics and religious fundamentalism. The combination is truly jaw-dropping.
Gallop have released details of US church membership. It reveals a sharp decline from 70% in 1998 to 50% in 2018.
Project Drawdown, a comprehensive plan to reverse climate change, has 100 solutions for you to consider. Today we review who they are.
The FDA in the US has formally issued guidance regarding the misleading “no GMO” claims that appears on the lables of some products.