Pamela Geller is a rather vocal critic of Islam, and that is fine of course because no idea should be immune to criticism or scrutiny, but as you might imagine, her name is one that invokes a considerable degree of outrage amongst some Muslims. There is a rather popular myth that she is a racist who … Read more

Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

Sometimes he really does nail it. What faced with the absurd rhetoric that “Christianity is Under Attack by Liberals”, Bill proceeds to not simply slice and dice this nonsense, he complete and utterly nukes it with the facts … There are of course many out there who believe the absurd rhetoric, and so what needs … Read more

Claim: liberal politicians in California want to ban the words “husband” and “wife”

Yet more complete and utter nonsense is popping up from right-wing religious nuts. The latest claim is that … well here is the rather famous Franklin Graham (yes the son of Billy Graham), promoting the claim that the words “husband” and “wife” are to be banned … As “proof”, he also links to an article … Read more

New unofficial language in Wales … Klingon.

So the story is this, shadow Health Minister Darren Millar sent the following questions to economy minister Edwina Hart in the welsh assembly … Will the minister make a statement on how many reports of unidentified flying objects there have been at Cardiff Airport since its acquisition by the Welsh government? What discussions has the Welsh … Read more

Daft Claim: “Equality Will Destroy Moral Foundation Of The World”

In a truly bizarre twist, Rick Santorum, the self-appointed representative of the folks who claim to hold the high moral ground, is claiming that equality will destroy the moral foundation of the world. Over in the HuffPo we learn this as follows … During an appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Santorum doubled down on earlier … Read more

Icelandic pirates repeal blasphemy laws

The title of this posting sounds like a B movie plot, but strangely enough it is wholly factual. Up until this happened, Iceland has had a Blasphemy law … Art. 125 Anyone officially ridiculing or insulting the dogmas or worship of a lawfully existing religious community in this Country shall be subject to fines or [imprisonment … Read more