Icelandic pirates repeal blasphemy laws

The title of this posting sounds like a B movie plot, but strangely enough it is wholly factual. Up until this happened, Iceland has had a Blasphemy law … Art. 125 Anyone officially ridiculing or insulting the dogmas or worship of a lawfully existing religious community in this Country shall be subject to fines or [imprisonment … Read more

Scientific Pirates – rebels with a cause

Now here is an interesting twist on things, and yet if you think about it, not really a surprise. There now exist websites that provides free access to scientific articles that normally reside behind paywalls, and so the official publisher, Elsevier, has responded by filing a complaint at a New York district court against Library Genesis (LibGen) and at this URL, but … Read more

For some The Flintstones is a documentary

You know that there are people who believe truly crazy things that conflict with everything we actually know, in fact, thanks to the Internet we are awash with all sorts of claims that pop up each day, hollow earth, aliens, miracles, bigfoot, etc… the list is almost endless. Anyway, to mark the release of Jurassic … Read more

UPDATED: Christian threatens neighbour over excessively gay yard

The things that pop up on GoFundMe never cease to astonish me and yet often the backstory can turn out to be even more compelling, so here is an example. Somebody, who opts to remain anonymous and signs herself “Relentlessly Gay”, started a GoFundMe to raise $5,000 to paint the roof of her house rainbow … Read more

New stats show that Humanist weddings are very popular in Scotland

Unlike Scotland, so far the UK government has refused to permit the concept of Humanist weddings. It almost happened prior to the UK election, but then David Cameron stepped in and despite all parties granting support, blocked it because it was deemed to be a fringe issue. So what evidence was there for that? None … Read more