Why do humans ignore facts and embrace myths as truth

We often find that conversations can play out as follows. Anti-Vaccine friend arguing that vaccines are bad: “There was a scientific study that showed vaccines cause autism.” You reply … “Actually, the researcher in that study lost his medical license, and overwhelming research since then has shown no link between vaccines and autism.” Their rebuttal to those … Read more

UK Solar Eclipse alert – Tomorrow Fri 20th March

Hopefully you have picked up on what is about to happen and are aware that an eclipse is about to take place on Friday here in the UK. It is exciting (for those of us into such events) because we have not seen an eclipse like this since 1999, and while not total, it will be impressive (cloud … Read more

Mars One debunked

When I’ve previously written about Mars One, the Dutch proposal to send people there on a one-way trip, I’ve expressed a considerable degree of doubt that the entire enterprise was in any way a realistic proposition, and while I would truly love it to be real, I’ve never thought it was, there are simply too … Read more

Anti Vaccine advocate ordered to pay $100K by court

Stefan Lanka (pictured on the right-hand side above) is an anti-Vaccine advocate who was quite sure that Measles was simply a psychosomatic condition brought on by “traumatic separations.”, so he posted a challenge on his website – prove to him that measles is a virus and you get 100 thousand Euros. Challenge Accepted German doctor David … Read more

It is Pi Day

This year Pi Day is different. Not only can you use the month and day, but you can also deploy time – the date, (3-14-15) hour, (9 hr) minute (26 min) and second (5 sec) will reflect the first 9 digits of Pi (3.14159265). What the heck is Pi ? Pi (Greek letter “π”) is … Read more

Climate Change denier Senator Inhofe tossed a snowball in the senate

Least you wonder, no my title here is not a subtle play on words to conjure up a metaphor, it is a literal description, US Senator Jim Inhofe, brings in a snowball that he picked up outside, holds it up and then tosses it across the senate floor. His entire argument was, “Look, there is … Read more