Was #Harvey a manifestation of #Climate Change?


It is inevitable that when a major weather event such as #Harvey occurs that the topic of Climate Change will be debated. Harvey has been no exception to this and so once again the debate arises. After Katrina over 12 years ago a common thought that prevailed at that time was to not attribute one specific … Read more

Who is John Day?

It was my privilege to visit the John Day Fossil Beds in east-central Oregon. As part of that visit, one specific question arose that has an answer that is simply hilarious. Who is John Day? My daughter’s immediate suggestion is that he was most probably some “privileged rich white guy” who made a large enough … Read more

Things to do in Portland – Visit Washington Park MAX station

washington park

Yes there are cool things to do in Portland, and no this is not officially one of them, and so, yes, I really am recommending that if given the chance to do it, that you check out a Transit station. Trust me … it is not just a weird recommendation, and no, you will not … Read more

Lord Lawson vs Al Gore – BBC Interview #climate

Nigel Lawson (now Lord Lawson) is well-known for having been part of Margret Thatcher’s Conservative government in the 1980s where he held the position of Chancellor of the Exchequer for six years. If discussing politics or perhaps economics, then he does indeed have a considerable depth of experience to leverage and will be listened to by many. … Read more

Ice and Fire: Wildfire in Greenland – #Climate

The news is that there is a wildfire raging in Greenland. This is not isolated, because as I was writing a few days ago, there have been wildfires raging right across the entire Northern Hemisphere in the US, Canada, Europe and Siberia, so the discovery that there is also one in Greenland is simply another … Read more

What are the limits of human survivability in a heat wave? #climate

heat wave

There is no denying that humans are very adaptable, but there are limits. As Climate change proceeds then it is inevitable that those limits will be tested within some regions, but what exactly are those limits, has anybody done a study on this? I’m pondering over this question in the context of the news that … Read more