Antarctica Glaciers are in trouble – #Climate

Antarctic glacier

A new study has been published that reveals that warm ocean currents are rapidly eating away at Antarctic Glaciers at a rather alarming rate. The key to understanding this comes via a satellite analysis of the grounding lines of Antarctic glaciers. That’s the point at which the glacier rests on solid land. What has been … Read more

EPA poised to scrap fuel economy targets – Yikes! – #Climate

fuel economy

This might or might not happen, or might happen but be watered down. The LA Times reports it as follows … EPA poised to scrap fuel economy targets that are key to curbing global warming — setting up clash with California The Trump administration is poised to abandon America’s pioneering fuel economy targets for cars … Read more

Arctic Sea Ice update

sea ice

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) tracks what is going on in the Arctic and issues regular updates. While they do of course provide datasets, they also present a very digestible regular insight into what is going on. The latest update is that the Arctic Sea Ice maximum has been reached for this … Read more

Two billion year old salt gives us insights into Oxygen


Roughly about 2.5 billion years ago the atmosphere of our planet dramatically changed – the quantity of oxygen rapidly increased and so we got breathable air. We have some new insights into it now, there is a new study. There exists a layer of salt deposits within a Russian geologic basin that was laid down during … Read more

Global Carbon Emissions are climbing, not falling

carbon emissions

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has issued a report that highlights the ongoing rise in CO2 within our atmosphere. As reported by Reuters … Global energy-related carbon emissions rose to a historic high of 32.5 gigatons last year, after three years of being flat, due to higher energy demand and the slowing of energy efficiency … Read more

Rep. Lamar Smith has a Fox News article

lamar smith fact check

Neither Rep. Lamar Smith nor Fox News have a reputation of either honesty or integrity, for the discovery that Mr Smith has published a highly deceptive and dishonest article on Fax News a few days ago is not exactly a surprise. There are in fact no credible media outlets that would be prepared to publish such … Read more