Scott Pruitt defends massive cuts to EPA funding

This week has seen some utterly bizarre behaviour by Scott Pruitt who was appointed by the Trump administration to run the EPA. While attending a meeting of the House Appropriations subcommittee that was reviewing the proposed 2018 budget for the EPA, he proceeded to stand up and defend the cuts that would in effect completely gut his … Read more

Climate Change: Filling the political and financial funding abyss

The Trump Administration’s principle weapon of choice for attacking climate science is not melodramatic announcements such as the one concerning US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, nor is it the appointment of individuals such as Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA, but instead is firmly rooted in federal finance. The proposed budget for 2018 will, … Read more

Fake Climate Change denial papers in Fake scientific journals

Academic publishing can for some be a rather daunting arena. There are literally thousands of journals.  Together they compose a reputation spectrum that at one end consists of the highly reputable high-impact journals such as Nature and Science, all the way through to the predatory journals that claim to be peer-reviewed, but in exchange for a fee … Read more

Breitbart Claim: ‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017

On 6th June Breitbart ran an article that claimed “‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017” that has been written by well-known climate change denier, James Delingpole. There are two immediate red flags here … The source – Breitbart, is not a credible source for any scientific information – you can read what they … Read more

Arctic Sea Ice – Update for May 2017

On a regular basis the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) issue a monthly update regarding any and all observations and data gathered during the previous month. Their update for May 2017 has now been issued, so what does it tell us? Quick summary It has been an average month, except for the Chukchi … Read more