EU Mythology


I briefly caught a BBC interview the other night. It involved an interview with a couple of MPs whose names are not well known, and even if I mentioned them you will forget after about 10 seconds. One was Tory and the other was a LibDem. What quite frankly astonished me was the Tory, an … Read more

How will the Midterm results impact the climate?


Rather like weather, a great deal of uncertainty prevails regarding what comes next. Well yes, I know I know, that applies to rather a lot of things such as #brexit, or the firing of Sessions, and much more. I am however thinking through the implications of the arrival of a democratic House. That outcome does … Read more

Irish Blasphemy is now legal

The news from Ireland last weekend is not just good, it is excellent. Nestled amongst the details are two truly outstanding results. One is the presidential election, and the other concerns blasphemy. A progressive candidate was reelected by a landslide as President of Ireland The absurd Blasphemy law has been officially obliterated from the Irish … Read more

Does Trump Truly believe Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax?

Chinese hoax

Trump did once famously tweet that Climate Change was a Chinese Hoax, but that was six years ago, so the question I’m really asking is to wonder if he has changed his mind. We do have a bit of insight because during his recent 60 minute interview he was pressed on the topic. So what … Read more

Saudi Arabia, Human Rights, and Jamal Khashoggi

saudi arabia

While officially Saudi Arabia is our “friend”, they are also the number one abuser of basic human rights on the planet. What has happened is neither new nor unique, but instead is a hideous act that has thrown a spotlight upon one of the most repressive and barbaric regimes on the planet. The entrapment and … Read more

Poll: 48% of white evangelicals would support Kavanaugh even if allegations true


Vox has the details of a Poll that was run a week ago by Marist and sponsored by NPR/PBS NewsHour. It reveals that many white evangelicals simply do not give a damn about the victims of sexual abuse… Forty-eight percent of white evangelicals say that embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed even … Read more