Why is there a ‘reality gap’?

Much is being written about fake news and so there has been a dawning realisation that we live in an age where there is a very distinct reality gap. Steve Benen writes on MSNBC about how disconnected some are from reality. He describes it as follows … what struck me as especially notable about the … Read more

Unintended consequences

Often people as individuals, or groups, or companies, or governments, make decisions that in context look very sensible, pragmatic and practical. Sometimes however things then pop up to illustrate that the full consequences of a choice had not been thought through very carefully. With a hat tip to Tim K, here is a story from 2015 … Read more

Trump’s Plan to Eliminate NASA Climate Research Is Ill-Informed and Dangerous

Phil Plait, whom I do know and have personally met, has written an article within Slate that strike a deep cord within me. Normally I would perhaps extract an appropriate quote and suggest that the article merits your attention, and perhaps also offer some additional commentary. This time I am instead reproducing it in full because … Read more

Daft Claim: The Bible trumps Science

Young earth creationist Ken Ham, the chap who is famous for spending over £100 million to build a life-sized replica of Noah’s ark, is on twitter. If you tap into his feed then you will discover that while you will not be informed, you will at times be entertained by his quirky eccentric tweets. He believes some rather … Read more

Mike Pence – Myths vs Facts

Let me start by putting my cards on the table here – I’m not a Mike Pence supporter. While writing about how his appearance in the audience at the Hamilton musical resulted him him being booed, I came across one commenter who suggested that booing him was wholly appropriate because he wants to literally electrocute gay … Read more

What actually happened at #Hamilton the Musical when Mike Pence showed up?

As I’m sure you are now aware, Mike Pence went to see the popular hit Musical #Hamilton that is based upon the life of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. There are various claims that the behaviour of the cast was “rude” towards Mr Pence, hence the president elect has demanded an apology. So what really happened? Let’s take … Read more