Study: What is the best way to make coffee
What’s the healthiest way to make coffee? New study examining links between brewing methods and risks of heart attacks/death has an answer.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
What’s the healthiest way to make coffee? New study examining links between brewing methods and risks of heart attacks/death has an answer.
What is perhaps inevitable is that when some major event happens, conspiracy theories and myths take off. This is not unique to COVID-19, it happens with any and every major event. It might be tempting to simply roll your eyes and ignore it, but not addressing some of these myths will indeed have consequences. Take … Read more
Why do some find alternative medicine quackery more attractive than well-proven mainstream medicine, and what can be done to address that?
Proposed Ohio bill dictates that doctors must follow a medical prodedure that does not exist or instead go to jail for as long as 15 years.
Alternative medicine is tagged “alternative” because it an intervention that has been demonstrated to not actually do anything medical beyond the placebo effect. Examples abound and include things such as Homeopathy, Reiki, etc… Let’s briefly review those. Examples of Alternative Medicine Homeopathy, dreamed up in 1792. It involves giving you a diluted substance to supposedly … Read more
There are specific well-defined and also well-known steps that you can take to promote a healthy lifestyle. A new study appears to suggest that an additional one is “don’t drink soda”. You might perhaps be tempted to think that this is about sugar and that diet soda will be just fine. Apparently not. That also … Read more