Weird News: “anti” masturbation dolphin arrested for public masturbation

Now here is a truly weird bit of news. There is a Christian group that is rather eager to promote the idea that masturbation is evil, so much so, that they give talks to kids on the topic. Basically they have a guy dressed up as a Dolphin called Fappy who will turn up at the school … Read more

Egypt deploying fake bomb detector as a cure for AIDS

Things in Egypt are really not turning out well at all, the revolution may have offered hope, but then a bunch of religious lunatics hijacked it all and proceeded to impose their specific religious ideals by force upon the population. The Military responded and they in turn grabbed power, and so we are once again back … Read more

Chopra’s new $1 Million Challenge

Sharon Hill over at Doubtful News reports on Deepak Chopra’s latest bit of shenanigans, he has a new challenge that he has targeted specifically at James Randi as follows … I challenge the non “amazing” Randi & his professional debunkers & skeptics to explain normal experience & offer them a $1 million prize. Seriously? Yep, here … Read more

Does religious belief imply stupidity?

Does being religious justify being labelled “stupid?”. The short simple answer is – No, there are plenty of very smart highly intelligent humans who are also religious, in fact some of the most famous thinkers, philosophers, and scientists in history have been religious. Ah, so that might imply some truth then? Actually no, not at … Read more

Religion will thrive and sceptics may die out – Is this really true?

Beliefs that are rather obviously not true at all thrive, and so we should perhaps ponder over the question – why it is like this? The geneticist Steve Jones (pictured above) makes a rather interesting observation regarding beliefs and identifies one good reason. While speaking about this at the Hay Literary Festival, a reporter thought, “Hey … Read more