Do Fish Oil supplements help you to stay healthy?

omega-3 fish oil

Are you taking Omega-3 supplements, or in fact any supplement? If so, then it is often well worth pausing and asking yourself why you are doing so. Questions to ponder over include … Does this really help to keep me healthy? What leads me to think that it is beneficial? If you are self-medicating, have … Read more

Does a higher income enable better Nutrition decisions ?


We all like to believe that the choices and decisions we make are well informed and wise. In reality many of us will make some rather poor choices. When it comes to food, or to be a bit more specific, Nutrition, then how well informed are when you make a selection? A popular idea is that … Read more

Homeopathy cancer paper withdrawn, lead authors arrested


Homeopathy is having a very bad week. Given the observation that there is no credible evidence that verifies that it actually works, then this is not a surprise. This week there have been two Homeopathy items that have popped up in the news cycle. Let’s briefly cover each in turn. The UK’s National Health Service is … Read more

Low-Fat vs Low-Carbohydrate Diet – which is best?


Diet is a topic that many of us are interested in. We are often awash with anecdotal stories and so we become inspired to try some fad only to discover that it is both hard and also often fails in the long term to live up to the promises on offer. So how do we … Read more

Mike Adams and YouTube – Freedom of Expression?

Mike Adams has had his Natural News channel obliterated from YouTube. (Insert cheering crowd here). First, let’s clear something up. In a recent rant about this quite official YouTube ban a few days ago he made a claim about this being a violation of Free Speech (I’m not linking to it, you can google it … Read more

Treating Cancer – snake oil does not actually work

alternative medicine cancer cure

The Good Thinking Society has posted up a list that reviews for a lot of Alternative Medicine treatments that are claimed as cures for Cancer … Good Thinking are extremely concerned about fundraising appeals designed to raise money for seriously ill people to receive alternative therapies that are not considered mainstream and are typically not … Read more