Anti-vaxxer group ridiculed by vast numbers
Anti-vaxxer group asks for term “anti-vaxxer” to be dropped. Thousands quite rightly ridicule them because 140,000 died last year from measles
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Anti-vaxxer group asks for term “anti-vaxxer” to be dropped. Thousands quite rightly ridicule them because 140,000 died last year from measles
Today I have 2 updates: A pointer to major funders of anti-vaccine movement, a debunking of 6 common myths from WHO
CNN reveals anti-vaxers have been harassing parents of children who died of vaccine preventable illnesses because it conflicts their beliefs.
A couple of days ago Newsweek published a fabulous article titled “9 ANTI-VAXXER MYTHS DEBUNKED“. There they proceed to demolish these 9 myths … Vaccinations cause autism. Vaccines don’t really work. Vaccines contain toxins. Vaccines can overwhelm a baby’s immune system. Natural immunity is safer than vaccine-acquired immunity. There are effective natural and homeopathic alternatives … Read more
The UK’s new report on vaccines not only highlights the current status and benefits, but also flags up the misinformation.
You have no doubt seen that WHO (World Health Organization) have published a list of the top 10 health threats that we face in 2019. The alpha source is this WHO listing here, let’s take a look. Ten threats to global health in 2019 Their publication of this list is of course intended to highlight … Read more