Science vs Belief: Is this conflict a myth?

Science vs Belief

There is an article in the UK’s Guardian all about a myth. It is entitled … Would you Adam and Eve it? Why creation story is at heart of a new spiritual divide OK, let’s give you a quick summary of it. We live in a world where there are people who reject science based … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

As I do this each week it becomes rather apparent that quite often the same individuals pop up on a regular basis, for example Ken Ham or Jim Bakker. Last week none of them did, it was all new weirdness. “Hey, have the regulars decided to be reasonable?” you might wonder, “Have they pondered over … Read more

Obama writes article in science journal making economic case for renewables – #climate

As part of his closing act, President Obama has been outlining the dire risks associated with abandoning his policies … In a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, he warned of the risks to millions of Americans of repealing the Affordable Care Act without an adequate replacement. In the Harvard Law Review, he touted his administration’s … Read more

Climate Change: Almost one entire year of record breaking months

The September numbers are out, it is now official. Starting in October 2015, every single month except one has been a record shattering month. October 2015 was the warmest October since monthly record keeping began in 1880, November 2015 was the warmest ever November, and so on for almost every single month. There was just … Read more

Richard Dawkins – Science Is the Poetry of Reality

Richard Dawkins was originally scheduled to give a talk at the Washington Reason Rally last weekend, but unfortunately due to the minor stroke he had a couple of months ago in February, he was not able to travel. He did however record a message that was played there, and that is now online on YouTube. … Read more