Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

After last weeks “Ark Special” posting, I’d be tempted to say something along the lines of this week being a week where these weekly weird religious news posting summaries are now back to normal. There is however one tiny flaw … there is nothing “normal” about much of this. You do of course have to … Read more

Study Claims Atheists are more close-minded than religious people

There is a recent study that claims that their results reveal that the non-religious are more close-minded than the religious. This perhaps merits a quick peek to see what is going on here. Having been a religious person who grew into a non-religious person I have the distinct benefit of seeing the view from both sides … Read more

How not to communicate … even if you are right?

Getting into somebody’s face and telling them that they are being a F***ing idiot and that they are doing/believing something very stupid is highly effective. This consistently works every time, they always step back and comment, “Yep, you are right“, and then immediately change their position. You have seen that happen all the time … right? … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

When some deeply religious people complain that they don’t like being laughed at, it is often pointed out that the rather obvious solution is that they should stop broadcasting some utterly daft ideas and claims in public. Was this advice adhered to during the past week? Nope, and so here is my pick from the week. Item … Read more

How many people actually believe in God?

belief in god

Belief in God sounds like a simple question to address, and is one that you would expect is well understood. Simply conduct a poll, and if concerned about people being pressured by friends or relatives, then make it anonymous. That should yield a reasonable answer … right? There are of course polls like this that are run on a … Read more