Can you spot Fake News? (Try the quiz to test your skills) #factitious

The enabler of Fake News is that humans respond to information at an emotional level. We might indeed criticise “them” for living inside an information bubble, but the truth is that we are all as individuals crafting echo chambers to one degree or another by selecting information that agrees with our preconceived views and resisting … Read more

Why has politics taken a left-hand turn into the twilight zone? – #trump

We live in a truly bizarre time. When hearing on Sky News that the Whitehouse was on lockdown because somebody had climbed over the fence, I did wonder if it was somebody trying to get out, and to be honest who could blame them if it was. As a reflection of just how crazy things … Read more

One more Daily Mail update

Yes, I’ve been banging on about the Daily Mail a bit, or to be a tad more precise, I have the two following posts … I posted here about the David Rose Climate Denial article that is so very wrong with its claim that NOAA fudged data … Daily Mail Fails again – Climate Change hatchet job … Read more

Has Wikipedia really banned Daily Mail as ‘unreliable’ source?

There is an article in the UK’s Guardian that reports that Wikipedia has banned the Daily Mail because it is an un-reliable source … Wikipedia bans Daily Mail as ‘unreliable’ source Online encyclopaedia editors rule out publisher as a reference citing ‘reputation for poor fact checking and sensationalism’ Wikipedia editors have voted to ban the Daily … Read more

Is a Fake News Vaccine really possible?

The BBC reports on a recently published study as follows … A University of Cambridge study devised psychological tools to target fact distortion. Researchers suggest “pre-emptively exposing” readers to a small “dose” of the misinformation can help organisations cancel out bogus claims. Stories on the US election and Syria are among those to have caused … Read more

Has California actually legalised Child Prostitution?

I’ve seen a claim pop up that asserts that a new law just passed in California has legalised Child Prostitution. The Claim Here for example is what the (Mad Hatters) Tea Party website is claiming … (No link, I’m not giving them traffic. If you want to verify it, just google “California Democrats Legalize Child Prostitution”) … Read more