The Cult of Fools – GQP “No Investigation” – May 23, 2021
This is a weekly selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
This is a weekly selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Did COVID-19 escape from a lab in Wuhan? Read on to find out what all the arguments are and why a lab escape is highly improbable.
Study claims “SARS-CoV-2 sequences can be integrated into human genome”. It sounds scary, so let’s see what it actually claims.
“every year with CO2 emissions continuing as usual exponentially increases the probability of crossing the tipping point.” #Greenland
New Study reveals that melting ice in Antarctica could trigger chain reactions, bringing monsoon rains to the ice cap.
Food-growing areas will see drastic changes to rainfall and temperatures if climate change continues at current rate. #food #production #risk