I have no clue what caused this, so obviously it was magic …. right! …. er no.

A rather common argument that often gets presented for a God claim is to simply point at the world, then claim that it quite obviously could not have just happened so obviously god is real. Here is an Islamic variation for you … if you look at the orderliness and the interdependence of all living … Read more

Fly me to the moon … for $1.4 billion

The BBC reports that a company called Golden Spike intends to fly to the moon by 2020, and that they will sell tickets for $1.4bn (£871m) a pair. Anybody got a bit of spare change I can borrow, the odd billion perhaps rattling about in their pocket? The BBC also says that this company “plans to use … Read more

Dutch Racist Christian traditions are way over the line of “Acceptable”

Jake Simons writes in today’s Telegraph about a truly obnoxious Dutch tradition – it surprised me, I’d not previously known about this. The current tradition is in fact not all that old and dates back to Jan Schenkman’s popular 1850 book “Saint Nicholas and His Servant“. So basically what happens is that on 5th December … Read more

Naked man arrested for bad spelling

A bit off my main theme today, but sometimes you find things that are so damn weird and bizarre that you simply have to laugh at the utter absurdity of it all. Pictured here on the left is Norwegian Dagfinn Bjelland. Not too long ago he checked into the Clarion Collection Atlantic Hotel in the Norwegian town … Read more

Witchcraft and magic cures

Being critical of daft ideas matters … it really does. Every now and then somebody who is stupid enough to believe gets into a position of power where they then proceed to do real harm on an almost industrial scale. I have an example for you, Gambia’s President Yahya Jammeh truly believes that witchcraft is real, as reported … Read more