Prominent Climate Denier Fred Singer given space in Wall Street Journal

Fred Singer

If you are familiar with the topic of Climate Change, then the name Fred Singer will also perhaps be familiar. He is not a Climate Science hero, but instead is one of the well-known deniers-for-hire, who if paid enough, will say whatever you would like him to say or write. What has happened? 93 year old Fred … Read more

What persuades people to change their minds about Climate Change?

climate change

People can and do cross the divide. People who once promoted a specific stance will be persuaded that they were wrong and cross over to take a quite different stance. A rather obvious example is religious belief. There are many people who today are atheists but were once deeply religious, so quite clearly they have … Read more

I don’t “believe” in evolution, do you accept Evolution?


I don’t “believe” in evolution. My position is not faith based, but instead is one in which I accept the evidence that the diversity of life is explained by natural selection and variation. What is quite fascinating is that there are many people who, despite the mountains of evidence, simply do not accept it. I’ve … Read more

Record Warmth in Arctic not possible without Global Warming


If you keep you finger on the Global Warming pulse then you will be familiar with the observations of record warmth in the Arctic during the winter of 2016. Research by NOAA has now confirmed that this was not a natural event, a black swan, and would not have been possible in a world without … Read more

Poll: More have no religion in a sharply shifting religious landscape

religious poll

Yesterday I briefly referenced the ABC / Washington Post religious poll that was published on 10th May. I’d like to return to it again today and dig into it in a little bit more and pull out a few trends. Background context to the ongoing decline of religious belief in the US It has been … Read more

Weird Religious News From the past week

weird religious news

It is becoming a regular theme for me to preface this weekly posting of weird religious news with a rather important caveat – Don’t generalise. The vast majority of humans, regardless of their specific beliefs or complete lack of any belief don’t behave like this. The point here is not to demonise people for having a … Read more