30 years after Hansen’s testimony


This posting is perhaps yet another that highlights the bias of OpEd’s within the Wall Street Journal. Once again we find that a distorted extremely biased article has popped up and so they once again are quite determined to ensure that they maintain their reputation for anti-intellectual bias. The Article Titled “Thirty Years On, How … Read more

Weird Religious News – Bad Ideas

weird religious news

Do I really care about weird religious news? I really don’t mind what people believe or how they practise their belief. What I do strongly object to is the attempt to impose religiously inspired policies and beliefs by force on everybody else. For example, if  you believe gay marriage is wrong, then don’t marry somebody of … Read more

Humanists shocked to receive ‘bizarre rant’ from United States

UNHRC - UN Human Rights Council

It was officially announced this week that the US has quit the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). This is the first time any nation has ever voluntarily left. When it was first established in 2006, the Bush administration simply did not join, and it was only in 2009 that the Obama administration brought the US in. … Read more

Communicating “Truth”


I’d like to point to two specific articles today that are related to the idea of communicating things that are true. Before we dip in, let’s first establish what we mean by “truth”. Religious truth is never wrong In a religious context communication of “truth” is the promotion of ideas that are deemed to be … Read more

James Hansen wishes he wasn’t right about global warming

James Hansen

Almost 30 years ago to the day in June 1988, NASA Scientist James Hansen testified before a Congress committee in Washington. He explained … “Global warming has reached a level such that we can ascribe with a high degree of confidence a cause and effect relationship between the greenhouse effect and observed warming…It is already … Read more