EPA to attack California’s Auto emissions standards


Despite a change in leadership at the top of the EPA the fight to rollback Californian auto emissions is still game-on. Bloomberg reports on 23rd July … Trump to Seek Repeal of California’s Smog-Fighting Power … As part of the effort, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will propose revoking the Clean Air Act waiver granted … Read more

Weird Religious News – Stupidity Incarnate

weird religious news

A common theme within my weekly posting of weird religious news is “stupidity”. Most humans, regardless of their lack of belief or specific cultural belief, simply don’t take religion to it’s natural conclusion. Unfortunately some do and so they start promoting utterly batshit ideas that are not only absurd, but are rather blatantly not true. … Read more

‘Powerful evidence’ of global warming’s effect on seasons found in troposphere

evidence of seasonal trends

How do we know that humans are responsible for Global warming, or that there is in fact any Global warming at all, what evidence do we have? There are in fact several lines of evidence. We know that certain gases such as CO2 are greenhouse gases. This is been an established fact for rather a … Read more

Does a slowing Atlantic Ocean Circulation increase Global Warming?

atlantic circulation

The plot of the 2004 movie, The Day After Tomorrow, is that the Atlantic Ocean Circulation which carries warm water North suddenly stops and plunges the entire Northern Hemisphere into an Ice Age almost overnight… er yes, well it’s just a movie. What is actually going on with the Atlantic circulation is a concern, and … Read more