What does the alpha source for “Hothouse Earth” actually tell us?


A paper has appeared in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science) that is attracting a lot of media attention. Titled “Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene” it lays out a possibility that we face a runaway climate hothouse. Note the word I’ve underlined. Many of the media stories highly overhype it … Read more

Alex Jones – Reaping a Well-earned reward

alex jones

The reality of actions having consequences is fast catching up with Alex Jones. Back last April I was writing about the well-deserved defamation suits that he was being served with. Today there are several updates to bring you up to speed on. Initial Hearings for the Defamation Suits As was perhaps anticipated, nobody is rolling … Read more

Weird Religious News – Religion makes absurd ideas socially acceptable

weird religious news

Throwing a spotlight upon absurd items of weird religious news on a weekly basis is not about criticising people for being religious, but rather is about criticising absurd ideas that use religion as a cover to get a free social pass. If people are overt outright bigots, then generally that stance will be socially ridiculed, … Read more

EPA vs California – The showdown looms ever closer


It has been on the radar for some time now, and as recently as last week I was giving a heads up that this was coming. The EPA has now finally announced that they are rolling back the existing emissions regulations. It’s a proposal, and not a done deal. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking The formal … Read more

What is the Religious Liberty Task Force?

Religious Liberty Task Force

A Religious Liberty Task Force sounds and feels like something out of the Handmaids Tale, and yet it is quite frighteningly real. It might in the past have been deemed absurd to think that the Attorney General of the United States would embark upon a religiously inspired holy war against the LBGT community, yet that … Read more