What are the details of the Green New Deal?

green new deal

It is out and various media outlets are reporting on what is happening. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts have presented their Green New Deal resolution. Many Democrats are happily supporting it, and also of course many Republicans are as well … oh wait, that last bit is not happening, Republicans don’t … Read more

NOAA: Earth just experienced one of the warmest years on record

warmest years - 2018 NOAA report

It is now official. After a delay of weeks due to the US government shutdown, NOAA have published the full final details for 2018 on 6th February – “Last year was one of the warmest years ever recorded.” Interestingly enough, that last sentence above is now a familiar turn of phrase and no longer a … Read more

Did America colonisation ‘cooled Earth’s climate’?


Well this is fascinating. A new study by researchers from University College London and the University of Leeds in the UK have published a paper that lays out evidence that the colonisation of the Americas at the end of the 15th Century killed so many people, it altered Earth’s climate. Let’s take a brief look. … Read more

Giant Void under Antarctic Ice

Antarctic Thwaites

The media has picked up some stories concerning Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier. For example … Independent: Massive cavity opening in Antarctic glacier is ‘disturbing’ sign of climate change, says Nasa CNN: Gigantic hole two-thirds the size of Manhattan discovered in Antarctic glacier etc… What is the alpha source for these stories? Basically it is the following NASA JPL … Read more

Weird Religious News – Trump’s Unicorns


The word weird is of course wholly appropriate for the blend of religion and right-wing politics. Other words that naturally come to mind include “delusional” and “fantasy” because these are folks who don’t just read books about Narnia, but instead they have moved in, taken up residence, and live there. This is a place where … Read more