Update: Britt Hermes Wins
Naturopathic cancer quack Colleen Huber attempted to silence criticism of her practices by suing Britt Hermes. Latest update is that Huber has lost and Britt has won.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Naturopathic cancer quack Colleen Huber attempted to silence criticism of her practices by suing Britt Hermes. Latest update is that Huber has lost and Britt has won.
What should you do when faced with climate misinformation, is there a science-based strategy that can be deployed? Yes there is – the 4D project is one example.
Welcome to my acronym soup quackery alert. OK, let’s start with a few definitions so that all is clear. WHO – The World Health Organization ICD-11 – The International Classification of Diseases version 11 TCM – Traditional Chinese Medicine Soooo … to explain my cryptic title, the latest version of the official WHO International Classification of … Read more
A soviet style commission has attempted to censor scientific evidence for climate change and instead promote misleading claims as “truth”
Here is this week’s selection of the flow of weird that emminates from that blend of fundamentalist religion with right-wing politics.
A recent fake news story is revealled to have been sourced from CEN. This small news agency appesr to churn out a constant stream of fake news