White House Tried to Stop Climate Science Testimony
A soviet style commission has attempted to censor scientific evidence for climate change and instead promote misleading claims as “truth”
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
A soviet style commission has attempted to censor scientific evidence for climate change and instead promote misleading claims as “truth”
Here is this week’s selection of the flow of weird that emminates from that blend of fundamentalist religion with right-wing politics.
A recent fake news story is revealled to have been sourced from CEN. This small news agency appesr to churn out a constant stream of fake news
It is a myth that there are 5 distinct stages to grief that we progress through. In reality things are a lot more complicated.
Some climate updates from observational records collected by ECMWF for May 2019. Also some pointers to what comes next for the climate.
Young Earth Creationist Ken Ham has published a posting in which he explains that he rejects flat-earth because it is “not scientific”