Claim: Atheism leaves only an empty feeling

Religious blowjob atheism

Generally when faced with various religious claims my best play is to perhaps simply roll my eyes and move on. Occasionally however I might be sufficiently provoked to wade in. Today’s offering concerns an opinion piece within The Catholic Register titled “Atheism leaves only an empty feeling“. The quick summary of the article is this … Read more

New Studies: Europe warming faster than expected, Flooding as Expected

Europe warming faster than expected due to Climate Change

I have two new studies to cover today. Both are interesting because they add data to the conversation. One reveals that parts of Europe are warming faster than the models predict, and the other reveals that Europe is flooding exactly as the models predict. Let’s take a quick look at each. Study 1: Detection of … Read more

FDA issues Miracle Mineral Solution warming

FDA issues MMS Miracle Mineral Solution warning

The US Food and Drug Administration has issued a strongly worded warming about a product knowns as “Miracle Mineral Solution” or MMS. Their guidance is simple – “Do not purchase or drink it”. This is the second warning they have issued. Why? It is not simply a scam run by a fraudster, but is a … Read more

Weekly Wingnut News – 25Aug19

Wing Nut

Previously I used the title “Weekly Weird Right-Wing Fundamentalist News”. That’s a tad long so I’ll try out this new title “Weekly Wingnut News”. Cue a band of internet surfing mechanics becoming bitterly disappointed to discover I’m not discussing hardware and instead that this relates to the slang term “Wingnut” that is used to label … Read more